Mystic Highland Pipe Band

Connecticut's Scottish Ambassadors for over 50 years!


MHPB practice begins at 6:00 PM on Thursday evenings.
at the VFW Hall in Pawcatuck, CT, USA.
Please contact us for more information!



The MHPB wishes to thank all our local essential workers and our family and friends for staying safe and healthy until we meet again!


Oh we're no awa' tae bide awa'
We're no' awa' tae le'e ye,
We're no' awa' tae bide awa',
We'll aye come back an' see ye.

And here's tae you, and here's tae me,
And where e'r we for gather.
We'll raise a gless, and drink a toast,
TO SCOTLAND! Now and forever!

Oh we are not away to stay away,
We are not away to leave you,
We are not away to stay away,
We will always come back and see you.

And here's to you, and here's to me,
And wherever we may come together.
We will raise a glass, and drink a toast,
TO SCOTLAND! Now and forever!

Excerpt lyrics from No Awa' Tae Bide Awa'

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